
The new package of the folio presentation...

Since, there have been a long time not to manage my folio, I recently have some reviews to my works, re-arrange my folio items that some of my new works has been added to my new folio. It would be definitely a hard job for me to make any decision to my works all the time but at this moment, I have just created an even smaller and simplified portfolio PDF for people to have an easier and faster preview of some of my works.

There are few works not shown in this PDF, especially those in terms of video and multimedia. I may show them when I present the full folio in person upon request.

I am recently looking for a job again, so, if you have any ideas about job vacancy, please let me know, thank you.

自上次到正式畢業後都沒有認真地更新過自己的 portfolio,見最近沒工開,於是又重新整理一下自己近年的作業(稱為作品的話感覺又太那個了),開一堆在硬盤裡封塵的舊檔案單是從新整理就有夠頭痛的。因應一些同業朋友的提議,就製作了一個專門供網上下載的預覽用小型版本的 PDF Portfolio ,供相關人士預覽。



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